Latest news More...We found 7 matches. "The ethical fashion Ghana project" launchedAccra, 27 June 2014, GNA - The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MOTI), in collaboration with the Swiss Government, has launched a fashion project to establish a sustainable export market. More... MORE NEWSMore... | About E-TICLici E-TIC: Poroze bi mungi jeema jox ay jumtukaay ak yoon yu baykatt, samkatt ak nàppkatt yu ndaw yi di mënna jaar ngir seeni ligeey gënna jarr. Situ internet bi Ñu ubi nak ak ay taagatt yu nuy defal ndaw yi jëmm ci kaw gi (ndaw, jigeen rajjo gox-goxaan yi ak surnaalist yi), E-TIC mungi jeema joxe xam-xam bu jaar yoon ngir mbay mi mënna jeriÑe. More... Related SitesE-TIC PartnersFonds francophone des Inforoutes, SECO, ITC, CRESP, EREV, Gensen Sénégal, Service Civic National du Sénégal, ICV-Mali, CNJ-MALI, CONJEDEV, ORTM, Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports du Mali, Commune de Guédé-Chantier, Communauté Oulad Nagim More... |