Volunteer Recruitement for Mali's 50th Anniversary

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© ICV-Mali
© ICV-Mali
Soulaima Bayni Traoré
22 February 2010

On Thursday, February 18, 2010, from 10 hours onwards, at the Carrefour des Jeunes de Bamako (Mali), was held a workshop on the "E-TIC Project, Information Hubs for Sahel".

Among the workshop participants were over eighty people representing: government departments, administrative services, youth organizations, volunteers, artists, etc.

The main objectives of the activity were:

  • Launch of the second phase of E-TIC, as well as the voluntary citizen action planned at the occasion of Mali's 50th anniversary;
  • Increase awareness about ICV and E-TIC;
  • Encourage the accession of ten civil society organizations mobilizing volunteers for the fiftieth anniversary of the Republic of Mali;
  • Agree on future prospects.

The methodology was participatory in the standards of adult education. The launch ceremony featured speeches and presentations. The work of the workshop was moderated by a master of ceremonies. They alternated presentation, questions and answers. The media were essential video projection and handouts. The staff was committed to the successful organization of the event.

The launching ceremony was started under the chairmanship of Mr. Amadou Gansiré Bathily, Technical Advisor for Youth, Rap. The ceremony was an opportunity to present three projects: E-TIC - Showcase of Sahel-ICV representing the Minister of Youth and Sports with on his sides the President of ICVolunteers-Mali. as well as officials representing the Ministry of 'Livestock and Fisheries, the City Council of the District of Bamako, the Carrefour des Jeunes, the National Directorate of Youth, National Council of Youth.

That ceremony was marked by the word of welcome and brief presentation on the voluntary citizen action for the Jubilee by Mr. Soumaïla Bayni Traoré, Chairman of the Board of ICV-Mali. Attended the presentation by video projection of the E-TIC, on behalf of Ms. Viola Krebs, Executive Director and Founder of ICV, prevented. HE Mr. Adama Samassekou, Chairman of the Board of ICV Federation and Honorary President of ICV-Mali has sent participants a message of encouragement. The morning was also marked by the intervention of several project partners, including the National Council of Youth of Mali, Tiramakansi.

Speech launching H.E. Mr. Hamane Niang, Minister of Youth and Sports, delivered by its Technical Adviser opened the actual work of the workshop. In his speech, Minister of Youth has encouraged the initiative which he said was timely. He then described some actions taken and being at his department in the field of volunteerism including the creation of a national administrative structures, who will volunteer in Mali.

For more information about E-TIC, see http://www.e-tic.net, a project supported by the Fonds Francophone des Inforoutes.

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